SDG Flag Day 2023

With great pleasure, we invite you to participate in the SDG Flag Campaign taking place on 25 September 2023. The SDGs are vital for a recovery that leads to greener, more inclusive economies, and stronger, more resilient societies. By participating in the SDG Flag campaign, you will raise awareness and express your commitment towards the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda.

Partners who have joined the UN Global Compact Network Netherlands since September 2022 will receive this SDG flag as a gift to be used on your HQ. 

Partners who have already participated in previous years are asked to participate again and possibly expand the campaign to other offices in The Netherlands or abroad. By raising the flag at company offices abroad, companies can show their commitment to the SDGs on a national and international level. If you are enthusiastic about this you can order your SDG flags here.

Laat zien dat deelneemt aan de campagne op social media

Naast de fysieke zichtbaarheid van al deze vlaggen, streven we naar een sterke online aanwezigheid. Daarom vragen we je om de hashtags #togetherfortheSDGs en #samenvoordeSDGs te gebruiken. 

LinkedIn: @UN-Global-Compact-Network-Netherlands

Twitter: @GlobalCompactNL

Instagram: @GlobalCompactNL

More information?

Get in touch with Marco Swan

Marco Swan

Marco Swan

Senior Program Manager

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