Stakeholder Inclusion Workshop

Stakeholder Inclusion Workshop

Stakeholder Inclusion Workshop

Deepen relationships and enhance your impact

Realize the Significance of Stakeholder Inclusion

Corporates make huge impact on society through their actions. They have the power to influence stakeholders who can further impact Sustainable Development Goals within our society. For a sustainable world, it is therefore necessary for companies to work together with their stakeholders.

Through the method of a stakeholder inclusion workshop we bring together methods for stakeholders sitting in corporate board rooms to reflect on their own perspective and the perspective of others under various scenarios.

Enhance your impact

Within your organization, increase the understanding of the significance of stakeholder inclusion.

Learn about perspectives and various interests of stakeholders and different strategies to improve stakeholder inclusion.

Reflect on your own behavioural dilemmas and how stakeholder inclusion ties into those. Explore strategies to improve stakeholder inslusion.

UN Global Compact

About the workshop

Many companies reflect insufficiently on how their behaviour affects their stakeholders and what potential benefits can come from closer collaboration with different stakeholders. This causes issues in terms of increasing temperatures, environmental issues, and human rights violations. The stakeholder inclusion workshop empowers you to reach your sustainability goals by simulating guided stakeholder discussions through cases with particular challenges.

How to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals

It is the role of business in society to contribute to creating a better world and turn the challenges into opportunities as well, creating jobs and prosperity. The only way we can do this and address the SDGs is via a stakeholder approach where businesses, governments, academia, NGOs and civil society work together. “By us all, for us all”, as the SDGs say. Each of us must play to

their strengths, whilst building coalitions with others with different perspectives, interests and needs. The workshop therefore helps to strengthen the ties between your company and your stakeholders. So that you can contribute to achieving the SDGs together.

Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals

The workshop flow

Through the cases in the workshop, the participants can experience a challenging situation, in which they are required to be creative and solve problems together. The approaches and challenges provide inspiration and a creative mindset that can then be applied to the organization’s own dilemmas.

The workshop comes with a manual, so you can set up and run the workshop independently. Would you rather have professional guidance for your workshop? Please contact one of our consultants.

Cases in the workshop

Fashion industry

The fast fashion industry has a common reputation of violating human rights by employing under-aged children, exploiting women and underpaying the employees in developing countries. With this case scenario, the goal is to understand how high-power, high-interest stakeholders impact stakeholders with low-power.

The goal of this game scenario is to improve understanding between stakeholders which not only have varied interests but also varied degree of power that they possess.

Carbon Neutral Logistics

With the impact of climate change increasing world-wide, every government across the world is aiming to reduce carbon emissions. The Netherlands is also one of those countries which aims to reduce emissions drastically in all sectors by coordinating with the Transport branch organization and various companies.

The goal of this game scenario is to understand the dynamics when stakeholders have almost similar interests however have different degrees of power.

Theoretical background

The development of this workshop is based on a research-based model on stakeholder inclusion. The research was conducted by Global Compact Network Netherlands, with the support of employers’ organisation VNO-NCW. It studied stakeholder involvement by Dutch companies. This research shows that companies that actively involve their stakeholders in their organization’s decision making are successful in implementing solutions for societal challenges, as expressed by the SDGs. Political and social stakeholders are also expected to be more involved in the business. In this publication Global Compact Network Netherlands provides a model and a practical questionnaire for companies to raise their stakeholder inclusion to a higher level.

Sustainable Development Goals


Podcast afleveringen

Hoe het is begonnen

Global Compact Netherlands ‘Listen-Up’ is een podcast serie met inspirerende gesprekken met ondernemers die bijdragen aan het behalen van de duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelen (SDG’s). In juli, 2020, heeft het ‘Listen-Up’ team elkaar voor het eerst ontmoet. We kwamen allen met hetzelfde doel, meer leren over de SDG’s en dit delen met andere young professional in hun werkomgeving. Het programma waar we ons voor opgegeven hadden, het Young Professionals Program van Global Compact Netwerk Nederland, zou een programma van een jaar zijn waarin een team van enthousiaste young professionals zouden werken aan een inspirerend project wat we aan het eind zouden opleveren. Helaas gooide Covid-19 roet in het eten en zorgde dat voor wat obstakels.

Het originele YPP-team Jean-Paul; Ning ; Ivana; Hannah; Martien; Jan; Marco; Amina; Ton; Sanne; Gwen

Desalniettemin bleef het team gemotiveerd en had een doel voor ogen. Na het jaar besloot een kleinere groep door te gaan met dit project in eigen tijd, om alsnog een mooie inspirerende serie podcasts te kunnen opleveren over sustainable development.

We zijn trots dat we ook Dan Thomas aan boord hebben als de host van de podcast. In zijn rol als hoofd communicatie leidt Dan Thomas bedrijfscommunicatie, mediarelaties en strategische evenementen. Voor het UN Global Compact heeft Dan leiding gegeven aan de totstandkoming van een nieuwe communicatiestrategie die is ontworpen om een bredere coalitie van partners te betrekken ter ondersteuning van de 2030-agenda voor duurzame ontwikkeling.

Get excited by the Young Professionals Program, click here to participate

Het Team

We zijn begonnen als een team van 9 toen ons Young Professions Programma in 2020 werd gelanceerd. Het vervolg was in een kleiner team; 6 oud-Ypp’ers en 1 GCNL-lid die met kennis en enthousiasme meededen.

Sanne van Heusden

Sanne van Heusden

Accountmanager @ Hospitainer

‘’When I first joined the YPP program I set myself the goal to learn more on the SDG’s but moreover, to be able to inspire others to  maybe change their lifestyles and see what is possible, even in your daily life. By launching this podcast, we hope to reach and inspire many!”

Amina Hiba

Amina Hiba

Coordinator @ Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

“Working on a better and sustainable world is not without a struggle. That’s why it is important to draw inspiration from other people’s success stories. In making the podcast we hoped to help ourselves and others find great examples, insightful lessons and above all, a bit of motivation in our everyday challenges.”

Ivana Kohutiarova

Ivana Kohutiarova

Deal Associate @ Shell

“While working on the podcast and listening to all the inspiring stories, challenges our guests’ speakers overcame, made me reflect every single time. We are never too small to have an impact in this world.”

Gwen Wolting

Gwen Wolting

Strategy Manager @ Ahold Delhaize

“It’s great to work on the same objective with other young professionals within different industries and different companies. We all feel like we should act more and faster to reach the SDGs. I think the challenge is ‘how’ we do that. I personally hope the podcast inspires people to act to change their behavior towards a more sustainable lifestyle.”

Hanna Waltsgott

Hanna Waltsgott

Portfolio Manager @ Van Lanschot Kempen

“Albert Einstein said that ‘we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them’. In our podcast we want to introduce thinkers and doers that offer a new perspective and potential solutions for some of the problems that we face today. Our goal is to inspire people to think outside their comfort zone.”

Martien van der Burg

Martien van der Burg

Policy Economist @ De Nederlandsche Bank

“Our podcast proves that anyone can make a difference, either by inventing groundbreaking new business models or by tweaking existing practices. Working on this project with fellow young professionals active in so many different fields of business truly shows that achieving SDG action is our shared task.”

Julie Hemels - Hoff

Julie Hemels - Hoff

CEO @ Blueyse

“My goal is to create a diverse and inclusive society. Everybody should be free to be themselves, without compromize.”

In collaboration with and thanks to;

Misja from Audiochef , for recordings; Curtis van Drunen from Skeleton Kids Records, for the intro and outro; all guest speakers for their inspiring stories.

Project ‘Global Perspective Project’ (GGP)

Project ‘Global Perspective Project’ (GGP)

In the past few years in collaboration with the networks from Indonesia, Turkey, Mexico and South-Africa, Global Compact Network Netherlands worked with Oxfam and Shift on developing the project Global Perspective Project (GPP). Over the last two years, with support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, workshops were organized with companies and NGO’s in said countries. The workshops were focused on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. How do you practically implement them? And what can you, as businesses and NGO’s, learn from each other?

Eight of our members actively worked on this project: ABN AMRO, Akzo Nobel, KPMG, Philips, Rabobank, Randstad, Shell and Unilever. 

Publication and online portal: 

Project ‘Global Perspective Project’ (GGP)

Global Perspective Project (GPP)

Global Perspective Project (GPP)

In samenwerking met de netwerken uit Indonesië, Turkije, Mexico en Zuid-Afrika werkte Global Compact Netwerk Nederland de afgelopen jaren samen met Oxfam en Shift aan het project Global Perspective Project (GPP). Met ondersteuning vanuit het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken werden gedurende twee jaar workshops georganiseerd met bedrijven en NGO’s in de genoemde landen. De workshops waren gericht op de Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Hoe implementeer je die in de praktijk? En wat kun je als bedrijfsleven en NGO’s van elkaar leren?

Acht van onze leden werkten actief mee binnen dit project: ABN AMRO, Akzo Nobel, KPMG, Philips, Rabobank, Randstad, Shell en Unilever.

Publicatie en online portal:

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